As loathe as I am to give people yet another reason to be suspicious of the Ensemble, I've just had an interesting experience and I'm wondering if I'm alone.
I never use the Apogee Controls (under the Audio menu) or Maestro. It's pretty much been 'set it and forget it' for me. However, I've recently up-dated to both LP 7.2.3 and OSX 10.4.8.
For some reason, tonight I tried to go to the Apogee Controls and got the spinning beach ball of death. Had to force quit Logic. Shut down, tried it again. Same thing. (Tried it two or three more times, can't get into the controls at all.) Maestro doesn't function either. I'll spare you the details but there's no way it will control anything - basically blank.
I realized somewhere in all of this that I now have no way to control the Ensemble. I don't think I need to - it still works just fine - but I'm hooped if that changes.
I'm running the latest drivers for both the Ensemble and Maestro. The only real change is the two up-dates, one to the OS and one to Logic Pro.
Any other Ensemble users have this experience after up-dating?
Thanks in advance,
I never use the Apogee Controls (under the Audio menu) or Maestro. It's pretty much been 'set it and forget it' for me. However, I've recently up-dated to both LP 7.2.3 and OSX 10.4.8.
For some reason, tonight I tried to go to the Apogee Controls and got the spinning beach ball of death. Had to force quit Logic. Shut down, tried it again. Same thing. (Tried it two or three more times, can't get into the controls at all.) Maestro doesn't function either. I'll spare you the details but there's no way it will control anything - basically blank.
I realized somewhere in all of this that I now have no way to control the Ensemble. I don't think I need to - it still works just fine - but I'm hooped if that changes.
I'm running the latest drivers for both the Ensemble and Maestro. The only real change is the two up-dates, one to the OS and one to Logic Pro.
Any other Ensemble users have this experience after up-dating?
Thanks in advance,

2 Ghz 20' Intel iMac 2GB Ram, Logic 7.2.3, Mac OS X (10.4.8), Apogee Ensemble, Yamaha S90 ES, MOTU Micro Epress
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Maestro is a new way. Download music from other Maestro users.Select a user to share with, and Maestro opens a browsing window. To subscribe to, and Maestro will automatically download. There is two ways to find and download Maestro on your iPad/iPhone: A) Open the App Store and on the search bar type in “Apogee Maestro”. The app will come up and you can download it from there. B) This second method requires that you connect your Apogee Interface compatible with iOS (ONE, Duet or Quartet) to your iPad/iPhone.
From Apogee Electronics Corp: Apogee Maestro is the control application for MFi compliant Apogee audio interfaces. Maestro lets you access and adjust all features and settings from 5 simple tabs. Maestro also significantly improves latency (the delay that occurs during recording) with a hardware based low latency mixer.
Find, download, and install iOS apps safely from the App Store
From Apogee Electronics Corp:Apogee Maestro 2 Download

Apogee Maestro Software Download
Apogee Maestro is the control application for MFi compliant Apogee audio interfaces. Maestro lets you access and adjust all features and settings from 5 simple tabs. Maestro also significantly improves latency (the delay that occurs during recording) with a hardware based low latency mixer.