Teamspeak Support :: TS3MusicBot Command list
This is our open-source TeamSpeak 3 audio bot project since we haven't found any other open-source one so far. The bot has come a long way is pretty stable by now, though sometimes he hangs up or needs some other maintenance. TS3MusicBot is the perfect way to create a MusicBot on Teamspeak3! A MusicBot is a Teamspeak 3 Client with the TS3MusicBot-plugin installed Users can execute a commando through the Teamspeak.
- Before you can use these commands you must have Admin or User access in the control panel.The server owner must login at and add the desired users to Admin or User access.
- Say command in in Server Chat, The Channel the MusicBot is in or Private chat with the MusicBotFor example to play a YouTube link say: !link
Command | Description |
!say 'your message' en/de/pl/... | The TS3MusicBot will say 'your message'. The default language can be set in the TS3MusicBot settings. The abbreviation for English is 'en'. |
!radio | Displays a list of all radio stations. |
!music | Displays a list of all media files. |
!playlist/!pl | Displays a list of all playlists. |
!search xxxxxxxxx | Search in the music, radio and playlist folder with the given search string. Example: !search remix (will find all files with the word 'remix' in the name). |
!radio radio_playlist_file | Begins playing a radio station. |
!music music_file | Begins playing a media file. |
!stop | Stop the Playback. |
!playlist/!pl playlist_file | Begins playing a playlist. |
!youtube/!yt/!link/!url http://youtubelink | Begins playing a Youtube video (or other links -> see here). |
!prev/!previous | Plays the previous track. |
!next | Plays the next track. |
!ytgoto NUMBER | Jump to the Youtube video from a currently playing playlist with the position NUMBER. |
!q/!queue | List current songs in queue. |
!addyt/!addyoutube/!addlink/!addurl http://link | Add a youtube, soundcloud or other link to queue. |
!addmusic MUSIC_FILE | Add a single song to queue. |
!downloadradio http://dirctlinktoplaylistfile nametosave.filetype | Load a radio playlist down and stores it in the radio folder. |
!downloadmusic http://dirctlinktomediafile nametosave.filetype | Load a media file down and stores it in the music folder. |
!deleteradio radiofile | Deletes a radio. |
!deletemusic musicfile | Delete a media file. |
!deleteplaylist playlistfile | Deletes a playlist. |
!vol/!volume + | Increases the volume. |
!vol/!volume - | Decreases the volume. |
!vol/!volume 0-100 | Set the volume to a desired value. |
!vol/!volume ? | Display current volume. |
!pause | Pause the TS3MusicBot. |
!mute | Mute the TS3MusicBot. |
!repeat | Repeat the current playing music file/folder or youtube/soundcloud playlist. |
!randomradio/!zap/!zapp | Plays a random radio station from |
!welcomesoundoff | Temporarily disable the welcome message. |
!playall | Plays all media files in the music folder. |
!random | Plays all media files in the music folder in random order if nothing is playing. If a youtube playlist or a own music playlist is running, the list gets shuffled and restarted in a random order. |
!youtubedownload/!ytdl URL | Loading and converts a Youtube video down and stores it as .mp3 file in the 'music/Youtube downloads' folder. |
!history/!lastplayed | Shows a list from the last 20 played files. |
!setavatar IMAGE_URL | Set the given image from url as client avatar. |
!removeavatar | Removes the current set client avatar image. |
!channelcommander | Toggle channel commander for the client (the client will need the rights to become channelcommander). |
!restart | Restarts the TS3MusicBot (admin control only). |
Welcome to!
Because a lot of new customers don't understand what they can get here or misunderstand our service, we will introduce you what you can do here.
You have two options:
Do it for me
If you don't have your own linux server (virtual private/dedicated server) and you don't want to run it on your home computer, you can choose or one of our other hosting partners. There you can get a TS3MusicBot running as a service, which means they run it for you.
Complete hosted solution:
or choose an other TS3MusicBot hosting partner from our
I do it myself
Teamspeak 3 Free Download
On (this site) you can purchase a license and get the software to run it yourself on a home computer or a server (windows or linux server, virtual private (also called vserver or vps) or dedicated server).
Teamspeak Music Bot Plugin
The products on both solutions will be always the same. The only difference is the place where the software gets started.
For commercial use proceed at